Meet Jeff Bender

In early 2020, Seal the Seasons had the opportunity to travel 40 minutes just outside of the triangle to Nolina, NC, the home of Bender Farms. There, we got a chance to sit down with Jeff Bender: former lobbyist, current sustainability advocate, and head farmer at Bender Farms. The great thing about working with Seal the Seasons is getting a chance to meet all of the different people and personalities that live behind the products that we sell. . Some farmers are quieter and to the point, while others are more talkative. To our benefit, Jeff Bender falls into the latter category. Over the course of what was almost an hour of interview time, Seal the Seasons sat with Jeff Bender and discussed everything from his background as a farmer, to more nuanced topics such as climate change, food education, and food supply concerns. For this video, however, we are just giving you a brief introduction as we discuss Jeff's background, the history of his farm, and the pride that he puts into his work.